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There seems to be a never ending list of things to read on the internet. Many people may bookmark these websites, but there is an easier way to keep track of the websites you wish to read later. It is called the Read Later list in Safari.
  1. Go to the website you wish to revisit later.
Add Items to Safari Read Later 1
  1. Go to the Bookmarks menu and select “Add to Reading List.” If you have multiple tabs open and want to visit all of the tabs later, you can select “Add These Tabs to Reading List.” You can also quickly use the keyboard command SHIFT + COMMAND + D to add items to this list.

Add Items to Safari Read Later 2

  1. Click the sidebar button. Click the glasses picture and locate your article. If you use Safari on your iOS mobile device (iPhone, iPad, and iPod), these can be synced between devices to be read on the go.

Add Items to Safari Read Later 3